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Zot Chanukah

Zot Chanukah - the 8th Chanukah light. When compared to the "ohr ein sof" that burns in the Chanukah candles, the so-called "light" of enlightenment and modern philosophy is utter darkness…

War and Revenge

We do not celebrate the death of our enemies, nor do we take revenge. Jews are guided by emuna that everything is from Hashem - even war. 

The “Progressive” Culture?

Many in our society proclaim to be "progressive", "modern", and in favor of social justice. Yet, they are quick to justify murderers and terrorists! How can such a dichotomy exist within the same person? The Kalever Rebbe explains...

Defeating False Philosophies

The lesson of Chanukah is the rejection of non-Jewish values and norms. How can we take that lesson with us throughout the year? The Kalever Rebbe gives important advice...

Idle Time

How we occupy our space time plays a critical role in building holy families and communities, committed to Torah and mitzvot.

A Reason to Believe

Rabbi Rubashkin commented that the first three letters of the Hebrew alphabet were responsible for his optimism despite the fake news and injustice he suffered…

The Meeting

Rabbi Freier gives Solomon the dangerous task of arranging the escape of Jewish children from Nazi Germany and bringing them to Palestine…